Seeking answers and solutions?
You will live forever. We all will. That means that this life is only the beginning, and the death of our earthly body is not the end. The question, then, is where will you live forever? (You can know, right now.)
The answer to that question is determined by you. Have you hurt people? Have you lied to people or stolen from them or gossiped about them? Have you violated G-d’s* Rules? Do you even know what G-d’s Rules are? Whether you know them or not, you can be forgiven. (You can be forgiven, right now.)
Almost everyone knows right from wrong behaviors, actions, and speech. Most humans have what is called a conscience and are given training by parents and educators—and sometimes by their local community and their peers—about proper ways to act and interact with others in society. Such training is often based on G-d’s instructions, and, as they are learned, they are written on people’s hearts. Even though such people may have never heard of G-d’s Instruction Manual—Moses’s Torah—they do what it requires because it is written into their hearts and minds. That is what G-d will base His Judgement of them on: Whether their behavior and actions have complied with what they know is right and wrong. That is what Apostle Paul wrote in the second chapter of his letter to believers in Rome: His letter we call “Romans.”
If a person violates G-d’s Rules, it is called “sin.” Sin simply means “to miss” or “go wrong” in the Hebrew language and to “miss the mark” in the Greek language. It means to miss G-d’s instructions or His requirements, which are sometimes called “Commandments.” (You can be forgiven, right now.)
If a person knows G-d’s Torah and His Rules, but violates them knowingly, G-d’s Lessons become more intense and more difficult. Try not to be one of those.
Click here to be forgiven and live with G-d!
* Words with hyphens (dashes) in the place of vowels are to prevent offending our Heavenly Father by “using His Name in vain.”